2012년 10월 19일 금요일

Dear, Flutists! - Jean Michel Tanguy with Asian Flutists -

Dear, Flutists - Jean Michel Tanguy with Asian Flutists -

Date : Nov. 4th
Time : 7:30 pm

Venue : Seoul Baroque Chamber Hall

ticket buy right now!


Antonio Vivaldi – Concerto in B minor, RV 580(Op.3 No.10) for 4 flutes and piano
/ Flute: Joo-hee Lee, Myung-joo Ahn, Yoo-mee Jung, Daniel Bac

J. S. Bach: Sonata in G minor BWV 1029 for 2 flutes and piano
/ Flute: Jean-Michel Tanguy, Hye-ri Yoon

Franz Doppler Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy
/ Flute: Jean-Michel Tanguy

G.P. Telemann - Six Sonatas for two flutes : Sonata 1
/ Flute: Hong-gyu Lee, Xu Jin Ping

Paul Taffanel – Grande Fantaisie (On themes from the opera “Mignon” by Ambroise Thomas)
/ Young Flutist: Yoon-young Shin with Flute Choir
Gabriel Faure Cantique de Jean Racine for flute choir and piano(arr. by Trevor Wye)
/ All together

Francis Borne - Carmen Fantasy (‘Fantasie Brillante’ based on themes from Bizet's Carmen)
/ Young Flutist: Yeon-soo Kim with Flute Choir

Claude Debussy Golliwog’s Cakewalk for flute choir
/ All together

Flute Choir

Jean Michel Tanguy (Professor of Mannheim Music Hochschule)
Xu Jin Ping (Professor of China Suchan Conservatory)
Hong Gyu Lee (President of KFEA, Professor of Choong-chung Univ.)
Ui Kyung Park (Vice President of KFEA, Faculty of Yeonsei Univ.)
Sung Jin Kim (Executive Director of KFEA, Professor of Gunsan Univ.)
Daniel H. Bac (Executive Director of KFEA, President of FLUTEHOUSE)
Bong Hwan Lee (Executive Director of KFEA, Professor of Kook min Univ.)
Hye Ri Yoon (Executive Director of KFEA, Professor of Seoul Univ.)
Joo Hee Lee (Executive Director of KFEA, Flutist of Korea Festival Ensemble)
Myung Joo Ahn (Flutist of KBS Orchestra)
Yoo Mee Jung (Director of KFEA, Professor of Chu-gye Univ.)

Young Flutists

Yoon-Young Shin (Seoul Arts High School 1) / study with Ui Kyung Park
Yeon-Soo Kim (Yewon School 2) / study with Myung Joo Ahn

Contact : FLUTEHOUSE(flutehouse@gmail.com / +82 2 3487 2462)
               Lareine Han(lareine.han@gmail.com)

2012년 10월 8일 월요일

Vol.62(2012.August / Nov) flutist Erin J. Bouriakov

Cover story. Erin J. Bouriakov
{ vol.62(2012.August/September) }

Cool or Hot?
flutist Erin J. Bouriakov

Associate Musician of Metropolitan Opera in NY

"Erin J. Bouriakov!"

 "My goal is not a famous flutist. I just love the relationship, concert and talking with the people who related with flute. Flute gave me the beautiful and fun life!"
At first meeting, the reporter has thought her life seems very cool! But it was not just cool. Really hot life with flute!

Erin J. Bouriakov
Associate musician of the Metropolitan Opera in New York and former Principal Flute of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Co., Erin Jang has appeared as a soloist with the New Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and Euro-Asian Philharmonic Orchestra among others. In the past few years she has been very active as a soloist, orchestra player and a teacher and has recently performed in Carnegie Hall in New York, the James Galway Flute Festival in Weggis (Switzerland) and will be performing and giving a master class in Singapore Flute Festival 2012.

After studying with Michel Debost in Oberlin Conservatory, Erin went to the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she studies with William Bennett. At the age of 17 she has won the Bohemian Concerto Competition in Michigan, followed by winning the Mid-South Flute Festival Competition in 2002, and the Sorentin International Competition in 2003.  In 2005 Erin was invited as a teaching assistant of Professor Bruno Cavallo at “FONDAZIONE MUSICALE SANTA CECILIA – PORTOGRUARO” in Italy. She has also been chosen as a young promising flutist of the year by the Italian flute Magazine “Falaut”. Her future engagements include concerts and masterclasses in in Europe, Asia and USA.

커버스토리 : 플루티스트 장예은

인터뷰어로서 무대 위의 이미지만으로 상상되던 플루티스트와 실제로 만났을 때의 반응은 두 가지 중의 하나이다. 실망하거나 혹은 빠져들거나. 결론부터 말하자면, 플루티스트 장예은의 경우는 후자였다. 기자는 정확히 ‘스스로 어떤 연주자라고 생각하나?’라는 질문에 ‘나쁘지 않은 연주자?!’라는 자신감과 겸손함이 공존하는 대답을 내놓으며 깔깔 웃는 순간부터 그녀에게 빠져들기 시작했다. 플루티스트 장예은은 솔직하게 툭툭 내뱉는 대답에서 느껴지듯이 중독성 강한 탄산처럼 톡톡 쏘는 매력으로 ‘쿨’ 하게 사는 줄만 알았더니, 실제로는 매 순간 순간 플루트와 음악에 대한 뜨거운 열정으로 ‘핫’ 하게 살고 있더라.

flute& vol.62에 계속..

2012 [4] August vol. 62 –8,9월– OUTLINE PREVIEW

06 발행인의 글
(editor's letter)
12 News

18 커버스토리 : 플루티스트 장예은
(cover story :  Erin Bouriakov)
24 인터뷰 : 매튜뒤포어, IF 앙상블, 홍인표
(interview : Mathieu Dufour, IF Ensemble, Eric Hong)
38 콘서트프리뷰 :  플루트교육자협회 KFEA 초청연주
(concert preview : KFEA invitation concert of CFA Beijing Flute Festival )
33 칼럼 : 이혜경
(Colulm:  Hye Kyung Lee)
34 Voice of the Flute : 앤 맥쿠첸 / 김미숙
(Ann McCutchan, Mee sook Kim)

38 아티클 : 스퀘어 원 알토 플루트의 디자인 / 자클린 브리튼 로퍼틴
(article : Ropatin flute)
40 아티클 : 라이네케 소나타의 라이프치히 초연(1)  / 헨릭비제
(article : Reinecke sonata(1) / Henrik Wiese)
41 재즈스쿨 : 윤혜진
(jazz school : Hye Jin Yoon)
44 해외아티클 : 프랑스 음악과 프랑스 언어 / 김유경

(overseas article : French music and language / Yoo kyung Kim)
46 플루트와 플루트연주 : 테오발드뵘 / 김현숙
(flute playing : Theobald Bohm / Hyun sook Kim)

51 에튀드레슨
53 지상레슨 : Partita in a minor BWV 1013 for solo flute / 윤현임
(professional lessons : Hyun im Yoon)
58 역대 지상레슨
(professional lessons history : flute& / flute&flutist)

60 콘서트 캘린더
(concert calander)
62 Sheet Music : 오경열 / 장은도
(Kyung yeol Oh / Eun do Jang)
71 음반 및 악보
78 플루트를 위한 소품
80 음악인들의 즐겨찾기
(musician's favorite)

82 정기구독 안내


발행인 박해성
(Founder : Daniel H. Bac)
대표편집인 이지연
(President : Jieyoun Lee)

편집인 이대경
(Editor : Daekyung Lee) 
기획 한소혜
(Manager : Lareine S. Han)

기자 송화진, 김보경
(Reporter : Hwajin Song, Bokyung Kim)

디자인 유주연, 김명진
(Design : Juyeon Ryu, Myungjin Kim)

사진 프레임스튜디오
(Photo : Framestudio)

인쇄 제일인쇄

facebook search: Lareine Han / Daniel Hai-sung Bac
T. 82-2-3487-2462 F. 82-2-3487-2476

flutehouse office: flutehouse@gmail.com
manager Lareine(sohye) .han:

Vol.61(2012.June / July) flutist Jae-Lyoung La

Cover story. Jae-Lyoung La
{ vol.61(2012.June/July) }

Still being Develop... 
flutist Jae-Lyoung La

Flutist of G-Philharmonic Orchestra

"Jae-Lyoung La!"
 "I really love study. Many people ask to me. 'Hey, why are you studying again?', then my answer 'I'm just love to do that'.
Yes, I've already studied degree of Meisterklassenexamen at the Mannheim Musikhochschule in Germany. It's almost similar with Doctoral degree. At that time I didn't need thesis for graduate. Just 4 recitals and one concerto concert needed. But now, In Seoul National University doctoral course, I'm studying very hard with fun."

Jae-Lyoung La

Graduated from Sun-Hwa Arts School and Arts High school. Seoul National University in Korea.
After studying in korea, she earned the Diplom(Diplom kuenstliche ausbildung) and degree of Meisterklassenexamen at the Mannheim Musikhochschule in Germany.
Award Winner of the Korea Flute Association Competition, Dong-A music Competition, Busan music competition and of the 5th Haendel Internationale Music competiton and Flute competiton of in Germany.
Soloist with Baden-Baden Pilharmonie Orchester, Euroasian Phiharmonic Orchester, Kyeonggi Philharmonic and Daegu Phiharmonic in the Orchestra festival concert.
At present, Associate principal in the Kyeonggi Philharmonie, and also a faculty of Korea national university of arts, kukmin unversity, kyunghee university, kangnam university and sunhwa arts school.

커버스토리 : 플루티스트 나재령

전 공부 하는 게 재미있어요. 많은 분들이 또 공부하냐고 물으시지만, ‘그냥 좋아서라고 답하죠. (웃음) 바쁠 땐 휴학도 해서 2006년 입학했는데, 아직 졸업은 못했어요. 말씀하신 대로 최고 연주자 과정이 박사과정과 마찬가지인데, 거기서는 논문 없이 리사이틀 네 번과 협연 한번으로 심사를 해요. 그런데 지금은 이론을 체계적으로 공부할 수 있어서 참 좋아요. 연주만 할 땐 직감에 따라 본능처럼 해왔던 부분도 지금은 분석을 하면서 하죠. 무엇보다 좋은 건, 논리적으로 접근하니 학생들 가르칠 때 효과적이라는 거에요. 특히 바흐와 모차르트를 가르칠 때 효과를 많이 봤어요.

flute& vol.61에 계속..
2012 [2] April vol. 60 –4,5월– OUTLINE PREVIEW

08 발행인의 글
(editor's letter)
10 창간 10주년 축하메세지
(Special congratulates messages from flutists about 10th anniversary of 'flute&')
20 News

28 커버스토리 : 플루티스트 나재령
(cover story :  Jae-Lyoung La)
34 인터뷰 : 최나경 / 이예린
(interview : Jasmine Choi, Yerin Lee)
38 콘서트프리뷰 :  미쉘모라게스 클래스, NFA 초청 KFEA 앙상블, 매튜 뒤포어, 앙상블 The K
(concert preview : KFEA Ensemble go to NFA Convention, Michel Moragues, Mathieu Dufour, Ensemble The K )
44 리뷰 : '판 목관오중주'
(Riview :  Pan Woodwind quintet)
46 Voice of the Flute : 앤 맥쿠첸 / 김미숙
(Ann McCutchan, Mee sook Kim)

50 아티클 : 리코더이야기 / 박광준
(article : flute&Recorder)
53 플루트교수법 세미나 : Jeanne Baxtresser & Alberto Almarza / 김지윤
(seminar : Teaching method of flute)
56 오디션 준비와 연습방법 : Jeanne Baxtresser & Alberto Almarza / 김정현
(seminar : Preparing Audition)
59 칼럼 : 이혜경
(colulm : Hye Kyung Lee)

60 재즈 플루트 : 권병호
(jazz flute : Byung Ho Kwon)
62 재즈스쿨 : 윤혜진
(jazz school : Hye Jin Yoon)
66 해외아티클 : 프랑스 음악과 프랑스 언어 / 김유경

(overseas article : French music and language / Yoo kyung Kim)
68 플루트와 플루트연주 : 테오발드뵘 / 김현숙
(flute playing : Theobald Bohm / Hyun sook Kim)

72 지상레슨 : E. Schulhoff Sonata 1.2 mov. / 차민경
(professional lessons : Stella Min Kyung Cha)
78 역대 지상레슨
(professional lessons history : flute& / flute&flutist)

80 콘서트 캘린더
(concert calander)
82 Sheet Music : 오경열 / 장은도
(Kyung yeol Oh / Eun do Jang)
91 음반 및 악보
98 플루트를 위한 소품
100 음악인들의 즐겨찾기
(musician's favorite)

102 정기구독 안내


발행인 박해성
(Founder : Daniel H. Bac)
대표편집인 이지연
(President : Jieyoun Lee)

편집인 이대경
(Editor : Daekyung Lee) 
기획 한소혜
(Manager : Lareine S. Han)

기자 송화진, 김보경
(Reporter : Hwajin Song, Bokyung Kim)

디자인 유주연, 김명진
(Design : Juyeon Ryu, Myungjin Kim)

사진 프레임스튜디오
(Photo : Framestudio)

인쇄 제일인쇄

facebook search: Lareine Han / Daniel Hai-sung Bac
T. 82-2-3487-2462 F. 82-2-3487-2476

flutehouse office: flutehouse@gmail.com
manager Lareine(sohye) .han: