Henrik Wiese Flute Recital in Seoul 2011'
Cast. Henrik Wiese(flute), Jieun Han(flute), Jeonghwa Hur(piano)
J.S. Bach & P. Hindemith
This is the 2nd recital of Flutist Henrik Wiese in Seoul. In this recital, Korean flutist Jieun Han and pianist Jeonghwa Hur show the great ensemble with him.
Henrik Wiese Flute Master Class in Seoul 2011'
7.12(Tue. 화)
accompanist: Seok-hyun Kim 김석현(반주)
translater: Jie-youn Lee 이지연(통역)
translater: Jie-youn Lee 이지연(통역)
2:00~2:40 / 한여진(초4)
* P. Morlacchi Il Pastore Svizzero
2:40~3:20 / 복병연(대2)
* C. Reinecke Concerto 1 mov.
3:20~4:00 / 문희경(대1)
* J.S. Bach Sonata in E Major BWV 1035 1,2 mov.
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
* S. Mercadante aria extrait de Don Giovanni
4:40~5:20 / 송다인(고1)
* J.S. Bach Sonata in E Major BWV 1035 1,2 mov.
5:20~6:00 / 김승주(고2)
* C. Chaminade Concertino
6:00~7:00 / 저녁식사(Dinner)
7:00~7:40 / 정현진(대1)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
7:40~8:20 / 유송윤(중1)
* P. Gaubert Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando
8:20~9:00 / 박현아(고2)
* W.A. Mozart Concerto K.313 3mov.
9:00~9:40 / 정유진(대1)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
accompanist: Jeong-hwa Hur 허정화(반주)
translater: Choong-man Lee 이충만(통역)
2:00~2:40 / 송민조(대)
* S. Mercadante aria extrait de Don Giovanni
2:40~3:20 / 이안아(대)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
3:20~4:00 / 조승연(대)
* P. Hindemith Sonata
4:00~4:40 / 김영애(대)
* C. Reinecke Concerto 1 mov.
4:40~6:00 / 손민혁(고3)
* J.S. Bach Sonata for solo Flute in A minor BWV 1013
* F. Martin Ballade
6:00~7:00 / 저녁식사(Dinner)
7:00~7:40 / 하신혜(대1)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
7:40~8:20 / 윤지원(대학원1)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
* P. Hindemith Sonata
8:20~9:00 / 이예나(중2)
* F. Borne Carmen Fantasy
9:00~9:40 / 강선영(고2)
* W.A. Mozart Concerto K.313 1 mov.
7.14(Thu. 목)
accompanist: Jeong-hwa Hur 허정화(반주) - 이나현/조소정/권세라/이화영
accompanist: Seok-hyun Kim 김석현(반주) - 김하은/김수연/나영혜/박주언
translater: Hye-ri Kim 김혜리(통역)
12:00~12:40 / 이나현(초6)
* S. Mercadante Concerto 1mov.
2:00~2:40 / 조소정(중1)
* J. Haydn Concerto in D Major 1,2 mov.
2:40~3:20 / 김소영(유학준비)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
* S. Mercadante aria extrait de Don Giovanni
3:20~4:00 / 권세라(대4)
* C. Nielsen Concerto
4:00~4:40 / 이화영(중3)
* C. Chaminade Concertino
4:40~5:20 / 김하은(고2)
* P.A. Genin Fantaisie sur Rigoletto
5:20~6:00 / 김수연(중3)
* W.A. Mozart Concerto in G Major K.313 1 mov.
6:00~7:00 / 저녁식사(Dinner)
7:00~7:40 / 나영혜(입시생)
* J.S. Bach Sonata in C Major BWV 1033
7:40~8:20 / 서은설(고3)
* L. Berio Sequenza per flauto solo
8:20~9:00 / 박주언(고3)
* W.A. Mozart Concerto in G Major K.313 1 mov.
9:00~9:40 / 이수민(대3)
* S. Karg-Elert Etude Op.107 No.23~24
* S. Mercadante aria extrait de Don Giovanni
수강 및 청강문의(INFO) : 플루트하우스(FLUTEHOUSE) 02-3487-2462 / flutehouse@gmail.com
The Program of Henrik Wiese Recital in Seoul 2011'
P. Hindemith: Pantomime for two flutes and piano
J.S. Bach: G major Trio sonata BWV 1039
P. Hindemith: Kanonische Sonatine for two flutes
J.S. Bach: Partita BWV 1013
P. Hindemith: Eight solo pieces
J.S. Bach: Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 156
P. Hindemith: Evening concert for flute and piano
J.S. Bach: Adagio from "Easter Oratory" BWV 249.
P. Hindemith: Sonata
Henrik Wiese synesthetes, that he hears colors. This rare gift of nature for him is an important source of his artistic activity. (The background color of this site are similar to his synaesthesia at a C-major scale.) Solo concerts Henrik Wiese played not only with the Bavarian State Orchestra and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, but also for example with the Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin, the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra the NDR Hannover, the Polish Chamber Philharmonic, the Prague Chamber Orchestra and the Munich Chamber Orchestra. In the summer of 2011, Henrik Wiese Artist in Residence at the Bach Week in Ansbach, in the autumn of 2011 he will play Mozart's Flute Concerto K. 314 on an India tour. His wide-ranging artistic activity has been documented primarily in the field of chamber music by several CD recordings. 2011 Henrik Wiese will take a CD with works by Carl Reinecke.
Besides the modern Böhm flute plays flute and Henrik Wiese also is on that instrument in the Accademia giocosa to hear a special ensemble for early music.
Henrik Wiese shares his artistic experience in the Orchestra Academy of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra to students. He also gave master classes in Copenhagen / Denmark, Mondoñedo / Spain and Weikersheim / Germany as well as master classes in various countries (especially Japan). In special workshops, he taught writing and developed the classic cadences intonational hearing. In the summer of 2011 Henrik Wiese will give a master class in Copenhagen.
His scientific interest is reflected in its extensive editorial step for well-known publishers. His main interest lies not only in the flute music, but also generally in the works of Mozart, Bach's pupil Johann Philipp Kirnberger and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Kapellmeister Carl Reinecke. Currently, he works out an edition of Mozart's Symphony Hafner & K. 385 for Breikopf Härtel.
After various, also spoke scientific publications, Henrik Wiese is now devoting his doctoral thesis on "Notation in Mozart's autograph."
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