Cover story. Hyunim Yoon
{ vol.56(2011.Aug/Sep) }
Cold Head, Warm Heart! My music goes to people : Hyunim Yoon
Hyunin Yoon, one of the great flutist in Asia.
The musical survival way of this modern period is the victory of self mental power and ideas!
The musical survival way of this modern period is the victory of self mental power and ideas!
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Flutist Hyunim Yoon was born in Seoul, Korea. After her graduation at Seoul National Art High school, she attended to Seoul National University. While she was attending Seoul National University, she went to Geneva, Switzerland, and studied with one of the most virtuosic flute player Maxence Larrieu. After she graduated from Conservatoire Superior de Geneva with her Perfectionnement and Virtuosipe diplom with summa cum laude, she went to Germany and studied under Jean-Claude Gerard at Hochschule fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart and finished her Konzert Arbeit diplom. As a prizewinner of Chosun daily newspaper competition and Busan music competition in Korea, she got the attention of the public. Also, she won a prize from Swiss Reed Music Competition, Swiss Basel Sankyo Flute Competition and Japan Flute Convention Competition. In 2001, as the very first 2nd prizewinner as Korean at the 47th Maria Canals International Flute Competition in Spain, her talent was internationally recognized. She had a numerous recitals and performed as a guest artist at the Music Education Newspaper concert, Singapore concert with Baroque Chamber Ensemble, concert with Seoul Classical players, guest artist in Harp Festival at Hoam Art Center, Duo concert with Maxence Larrieu at Sejong Munhwa Center, Duo concert with Petri Alanko, Duo concert at Hungarian Institute as a guest performer; which was sponsored by the Hungarian consulate, the prizewinner’s concert of Maria Canals International Flute competition at the city hall of Barcelona, Spain, concert with Orchesta de Camerata Emporda in Spain by their invitation, she also had concerts with Bulgarian Sophia Philharmonic Orchestra, Plorpdip State Orchestra, Pleven State Orchestra, Rumania Transilvania Philharmonic, MAV Symphony Orchestra in Hungary, Janacek Orchestra in Czech Republic, Karkov Philharmonic Orchestra in Ukraine, Chestokova Philharmonic in Poland, and Izmir State Philharmonic in Turkey, all by their invitation. Her active concert performances are not only in Korea but also in East-south Asia, and in Europe and now she is becoming one of the most engaging and virtuosic flutist. Currently she is teaching at Suwon University, Baeksuk University, Gangneung Wonju College, Nasaret College, Sungshil Conservatory and also a music director of Flute Holic. |
훤칠한 키에, 큼직하고 또렷한 이목구비, 시원시원한 말투..꽃으로 비유하자면, 화려한 색감을 자랑하는 아네모네(Anemone)를 닮은 느낌이랄까. 국내는 물론, 해외에서도 활발한 연주 활동을 펼치고 있는 플루티스트 윤현임의 첫인상은 그러했지만, 이국적인 실루엣에서 보여 지는 외모와는 달리 그는 인간을 인간답게 여기도록 하는 학문인 인문학에 심취해 있었고, 두 아이를 둔 평범한 엄마로, ‘아줌마의 힘’이 빛을 발하는 대한민국에서 일과 가정, 육아를 모두 해내고 있는 열혈 주부로 살아가고 있었다. 지루한 장맛비가 계속 되던 여름의 길목에서 사람 냄새가 물씬 나는 연주자, 플루티스트 윤현임을 만나보았다.
2011 [4] August vol. 56 –08,09월– OUTLINE PREVIEW
08 편집자의 글
(editor's letter)
16 News
24 커버스토리 : 윤현임
(cover story : Hyunim Yoon)
31 인터뷰 : 상드린 틸리 / 헨릭 비제 / 마갈리 모니에
(interview : Sandrine Tilly / Henrik Wiese / Magali Mosnier)
38 나의스승 : 최은정
(my respect : Eunjung Choi)
40 콘서트프리뷰 : 심포닉 in 플루트 / 우영욱귀국독주회 / 이교은유재아듀오콘서트 / 이지연독주회 / 오신정독주회
(concert preview : Symphonic in Flute / Youngwook Woo recital / Kyoeun Lee & Jaeah Yoo Duo Concert / Jieyoun Lee recital / Shinjung Oh recital)
45 칼럼 : 이혜경
(column : Hye kyung Lee)
46 Voice of the Flute : 앤 맥쿠첸 / 김미숙
(Ann McCutchan, Mee sook Kim)
50 줌인스테이지 : 슈투트가르트 체임버 내한공연 / 헨릭비제 내한리사이틀 / 국성화귀국독주회
(zoom in stage : The stuttgart Chamber Orchestra / Henrik Wiese recital / Sunghwa Kook recital)
56 탐방 : 돌체악기
(business : Dolce Musical Instruments co)
58 아티클 : 리코더이야기 / 박광준
(article : flute&Recorder)
60 미술과이야기 : 5 Soft musicians
(art window : 5 Soft musicians / Alan Kenny)
62 해외아티클 : 레오나르드 개리슨 / 이지연
(overseas article : Leonard Garrison / Ji Yeon Lee)
64 플루트와 플루트연주 : 테오발드뵘 / 김현숙
(flute playing : Theobald Bohm / Hyun sook Kim)
68 재즈 플루트 : 음악가로살아가는방법 / 권병호
(jazz flute : Byung ho Kwon)
71 초보자를 위한 플루트레슨 : 이지영
(basic lessons : Jee young Lee)
72 에튀드레슨 : Anton Berhard Furstenau 10 / 김성연
(etude lessons : Sung yeon Kim)
74 지상레슨 : P. Hindemith Sonata / 한지은
(professional lessons : Jieun Han)
82 역대 지상레슨
(professional lessons history : flute& / flute&flutist)
84 콘서트캘린더(concert calander)
86 Sheet Music : 오경열 / 장은도(Kyung yeol Oh / Eun do Jang)
96 음반 및 악보
103 플루트를 위한 소품(goods)
104 음악인들의 즐겨찾기(musician's favorite)
106 정기구독 안내
flute&대표편집인 박해성
편집인 이대경
편집위원 이지연
기자 송화진, 김보경
디자인 유주연, 김명진
기획 한소혜
구독 오성택
사진 프레임스튜디오
인쇄 제일인쇄
flutehouse office:
manager Lareine(sohye) .han:
facebook search: Lareine Han / Daniel Hai-sung Bac
T. 82-2-3487-2462 F. 82-2-3487-2476
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