2010년 10월 28일 목요일

Se-in's letter

dear Maestro BAC.

The reason of delight is that my successful first concerto concert.Please give us more good concerts again .The weather is so cold. Take care of your health.thank you.

presented by Se-in Kim.

flutehouse : have a great musical talent or not, the concert was a great experience for young students. performed with intent to warm, the result was heartwarming ultimately. Persuit of truth.

2010년 10월 21일 목요일

FEA(Flute Educators Association - South Korea)

FEA(Flute Educators Association - South Korea) has been aim to develop the students through the flute. And always has been looking for the better way of flute Edu. There is no doubt that "Concerto's night" is so fine system of the develop for the students who are studying music.
FEA 플루트교육자협회는 플루트를 매개로하여 학생들의 발전을 도모하고자 한다. 그리고 항상 플루트교육의 더 나은 방안을 찾기위해 연구하고 있다.
"협주곡의 밤"은 음악을 공부하는 학생들의 발전을 위한 하나의 체계적인 좋은 방법이다. 협회는 창단 이래로 매년 이 행사를 개최하고 있다.

Furthermore the rehearsal time give acquirement of practical musical sense and knowledge both to orchestra and students.
더욱이 오케스트라와 학생들이 함께 하는 이러한 "협연" 리허설 시간들은 단순히 연주회에 오르기 위한 연습이 아니라, 오케스트라와 학생들 모두에게 음악적 감각을 향상시키고 음악적 지식 및 총체적인 사고에 도움을 주는 매우 교육적인 방법이다.
In this year October FEA also plays the flute at FEA Flute Orchestra. This concert means the achievement and also refers to the process of their study. The association is engaged in activity performing on their mission. 올해도 협회는 직접 오케스트라로서 무대에 오른다. 이들의 연주회는 그들의 교육연구에 대한 연간의 결과이자 동시에 연구의 과정선상에 있는 것이라고 볼 수 있다.

They also often prepare their own orchestra stage.
FEA besides has another aim to upgrade more and more skill to playing the flute. The reason is that who want to be a better flute educators. Their point is that the good flute players have a possible to educate the flute and music better. And it's one of the project to grafting their knowledge into the performing.

Flute Educators Association
Hai-Sung Bac, Sung-Yeon Kim(principal), Seung-Hee Son, Won-Sik Kim, Eun-Kyung Jung, Jeanie Jang(principal), Jeong-Hwa Kim, Jeong-Yeong Lee, Jeong-Eon Yoon, Jun-Hye Jang, Kyo-Eun Lee(principal), Na-Kyum Kang, Woo-Jung Han, Sun Park, Dong-Su Park, Da-Young Jung, Sun-Young Bang(principal), Se-Chon Lee, Chung-Mann Lee, Tae-Yeon Kim, Joo-Mee Jang, Ye-Ni Park(principal), Sun-il Kim, Sang-Hee Lee, Seung-Hwan Cho(principal), Dong-Kyun Kim, Woo-Jick Lee, So-hye Han

Copyright by FEA(Flute Educators Association - South Korea)
managed by flutehouse 
                                               Sohye Han (lareine.han)

2010년 10월 19일 화요일

magazine flute& vol.51 {art window} Krishna Magic


flute& {art window}

introduced about flute&

Hinduism is a religion that believes in God in many different forms (*Avtaar).
The concept of Trinity of God is very famous in Hinduism which consists of – Bramha – The Creator Vishnu - The preserver Shiva - The destroyer.

- Krishna was also a very good flute player. Flute was an integral part of his life. The Flute that he used to play was made of bamboo, and is believed that modern Indian flutes have been there since Krishna's time. When he used to go for grazing cows, he used to use play flute under a special tree and all the cows will be glued to him. Not only cows, he was also famous with the village girls. All the village girls would love to listen to him and he would masmerize them with his tunes.
But Krishna's favourite was Radha...the female he loved. The relationship between Radha and Krishna is considered to be a symbol of love among hindus. Even in temples, you will never find idol of Krishna alone, it will always be Radha and Krishna together - Krishna is incomplete without Radha and vice versa. - [ a part of whole article ]

Brief Biography of Artist
Mrutyunjaya Dash
Mrutyunjaya Dash(aka MJ) started painting when he was a kid. He has 7 years training in Fine Arts from "Art and craft center, Rourkela". His earlier achievements include Winning Gold medal in "Child Art International" and being awarded 1st Prize for for 6 consecutive times in District level Painting competetions.
After this he did his B.tech, which required him to stay away from Fine Arts. But now, after 7 years of staying away from his passion, he is back.

flute& : “Mr.Dash, could you tell about universe of your works to Korean flutists?”

Mrutyunjaya Dash : "Painting is the way I communicate. Many things which I see and feel, cannot be expressed anyone, but that can be very well depicted on Canvas. I love nature in all its forms and I love to depict its beauty. These paintings are one of my ways to expess/communicate/discuss with the world. It gives me energy and peace of mind after my day's hardwork. Nature is my teacher, people are my inspiration, world is my home, loved ones are my life - A life to express, a life to learn, a life to spread happiness.

the contents of flute& vol.51's flute&{art window}

edited by {flute&}
managed and arr. by Sohye.Han(lareine.han)

2010년 10월 17일 일요일

flutehouse busking concert 2010

Dae-hak ro.

2010.10.16(sat)~23(sat) 12:30pm~2:00pm
hosted by. flutehouse with D.Festa

during two weeks in October.

why do busking in Seoul ?

for communication.
for love.
for culture.

{flutehouse} always show the love through flute and culture for many ways.

{flutehouse}is near on your heart.

flute. Daniel Hai-Sung Bac

guitar. Myung-Sun Lee

arranged and managed by. So-Hye Han

I aim to boom up busking.
{flutehouse} is going to compose directly more ambience as a leader of fine art busking in Korea. through the real perform !

flute&everything flute&culture flute&flutehouse

2010년 10월 9일 토요일

Flute Educators Association Orchestra Concert 2010' 2nd.

FEA ; Flute Educators Association  Orchestra Concert
- Concerto's Night -
2010.10.24 Sunday 7:30 pm
hosted and managed by {flutehouse}

Flute Educators Association is a group of educators, who opens as flutes.

Members are the principal flutists of the current national top class orchestra, and they work at all over the universities, schools, private schools, cultural centers, etc., various types of educational institutions as flute educators as a broad scale.

The Association launched in 2008 for flute music, culture, education and uniformly development all around the flute in the Republic of Korea. They are sponsored by academic research, seminars and practical measures for students are suggested for flute playing technique and teaching methods through regular meetings. In addition to these practical results, and improve the quality of educators for their own practice and has its own training.

Every fall and every year {Concerto's Night} has been held up. It offer the opportunity for students to study music with an orchestra. In this year, young student soloists of {Concerto's night} who are studying violin,cello and flute.

Flute Educators Association Orchestra

Conductor : Daniel Hai-Sung Bac / Leader : Sung-Yeon Kim / Inspector : Sang-Hee Lee
1st / Sung-Yeon Kim(principal), Seung-Hee Son, Won-Sik Kim, Eun-Kyung Jung
2nd / Jeanie Jang(principal), Jeong-Hwa Kim, Jeong-Yeong Lee, Jeong-Eon Yoon, Jun-Hye Jang
3rd / Kyo-Eun Lee(principal), Na-Kyum Kang, Woo-Jung Han, Sun Park, Dong-Su Park, Da-Young Jung
4th /Sun-Young Bang(principal), Se-Chon Lee, Chung-Mann Lee, Tae-Yeon Kim, Joo-Mee Jang
Alto / Ye-Ni Park(principal), Sun-il Kim, Sang-Hee Lee
Bass / Seung-Hwan Cho(principal), Dong-Kyun Kim, Woo-Jick Lee

Soloists 2010'
Violin Se-in Kim / Cello Ji-min Kim / Flute Sung-ho Kang / Flute Su-jin Lim / Flute Young-ran Park

Program for Concerto's Night 2010'

J.S.Bach : Overture from Orchestra suite No.3 D-Major BWV 1068
F.Seitz : Concerto No.5 1st mov. (Vc. JM,Kim)
                                     3rd.mov. (Vn. SI,Kim)
W.A.Mozart : Flute Concerto No.1 in G-Major K.313 (Fl. SJ,Lim)
F.Mendelssohn : Andante from Italian Symphony
W.A.Mozart : Flute Concerto No.2 in D-Major K.314 1mov. (Fl. SH,Kang)
                                                                                    2mov. 3mov. (Fl. YR,Park)
M.Ravel : Bolero

contact FEA Orchestra : flutehouse@gmail.com

2010년 10월 7일 목요일

vol.51(2010.October/November) Coverstory : Rando,Kim

"Rd Kim have existed in Rd Kim's music" i wish
{ vol.51(2010.October/November) }

Principal flutist of Chungnam Philharmonic Orchestra : Rando,Kim

cover story.

* The win in fight against oneself that's succeed.
* A liberation of the recital from rules and restrictions.
* eventually, the basics, and concentration.
* The opinion for : Popularized versus Expertise.
* "Rando,Kim have existed in Rando Kim's music" i wish.

more details : {flute&} vol.51

힘이 들 때, 위로가 필요할 때, 혹은 기분 전환이 필요할 때에 우리는 카운슬링을 해주거나 신선한 아이디어로 분위기를 바꿔줄 사람을 찾곤 한다. 때로는 바다 같이 폭넓은 깊이감으로, 때로는 청량함을 안겨주는 재기 발랄함으로, 때로는 자연처럼 섭리대로 살아가는 편안함의 면모를 지닌 플루티스트 김란도. 이런 ‘사람 김란도’가 고스란히 묻어나는 ‘김란도의 음악’이 우리에게 그러한 역할을 오래토록 해주기를 바래본다.


2010년 10월 4일 월요일

magazine flute& vol.51 outline preview

coming soon !
2010 [5] October vol. 51 –10,11월– OUTLINE PREVIEW

10 편집자의 글
(editor's letter)
16 News

22 커버스토리 : 김란도
(cover story : Ran-do Kim)
28 인터뷰 : 비센스프라츠
(interview : Vicens Prats)
30 나의 스승 : 최연수
(my respect : Yeon-Soo Choi)
32 콘서트프리뷰 : FEA플루트교육자협회“협주곡의 밤”
(concert preview : FEA Flute Educators Association Concert / Millennium Flute Choir)
34 Voice of the Flute : 앤 맥쿠첸 / 김미숙
(Ann McCutchan, Mee-Sook Kim)
40 줌인스테이지 : 서울플루트솔로이스츠
(zoom in stage : Seoul Flute Soloists / Euterpe Woodwind Quintet)
42 칼럼 : 이혜경
(column : Hye-Kyung Lee)

44 편집자가만난사람 : 박해성
(communication : Hai-Sung Bac)
46 미술과 이야기 : Krishna Magic / Krishna&Rada
(art window : Krishna Magic / Krishna&Rada : Mrutyunjaya Dash)
50 아티클 : 모차르트와 수수께끼
(highways and byways : Was istschlimmer als eineFlöte ? : Henrik Wiese)
54 그림이 있는 에세이 : 이순형
(drawing : Soon-Hyung Lee)

56 참가기 : New York Summer Music Festival – IFI
NFA Convention
(on the spot)
64 해외아티클 : 알렉산더 머레이 / 이지연
(overseas article : Alexander Murray / Ji Yeon Lee)
66 심플플루트 : 미쉘드보스트 / 문록선
(simple flute : Michel Debost / Rok-Sun Moon)
68 On Playing the Flute : 크반츠 / 강인봉
(on playing the flute : Quantz / In-Bong Kang)
72 이탈리아플루트스쿨 : 안토니오아멘두니 / 이숙인
(italia flute school : Antonio Amenduni / Sook-In Lee)
74 재즈 플루트 : 권병호
(jazz flute : Byung-Ho Kwon)
76 플루트 기초 레슨 : 최광순
(basic lessons : Kwang-Soon Choi)
78 에튀드레슨 : Anton Berhard Furstenau 5 김성연
(etude lessons : Sung-Yeon Kim)
80 지상레슨 : L.Libermann Sonata 1.2 mov. 정유미
C.Reinecke Sonata “Undine” 1.2 mov. 이예린
(professional lessons : Yoo-Mee Jung / Ye-Rin Lee)

94 입시가이드
(entrance examination)
98 콘서트 캘린더
(concert calander)
100 Sheet Music : 오경열 / 장은도
(sheet music : Kyung-Yeol Oh / Eun-Do Jang)
111 음반 및 악보
118 플루트를 위한 소품
122 음악인들의 즐겨찾기
(musician's favorite)
124 정기구독 안내
