2010년 11월 2일 화요일

flute&flutist concours 2010'

magazine{flute&}, which founded in 2002 is the only professional magazine which has the unique color and historical and educational personalities, as well as the professional archive which shows the position and vision of Korea flute culture, and it is the real spot for interactive communications.
{flute&} published by the participation of most enthusiasts with international and domestic flutists.

Magazine {flute &} is now not only a media for introduce the international flutists to Korea, but also it helps Korean flutists to get a spotlight at the international stage. And doing their best to keeping existence of flute cultural pride in Korea.

Flute&Flutist Concours, can offer the participate experience of the flute culture in Korea to the students. And it can lead their skills, fair competition and development higher, as well as promote the ideal means of Korea flute culture's esteem.

date : 2010.11.27(sat) & 2010.11.28(sun)

download(참가신청서다운받기:PDF) / apply(참가신청바로가기)

part : flute solo / flute ensemble(trio~sixtet) / piccolo / orchestra excerpts / flute arrangement

flute&flutist콩쿠르 한글안내페이지 바로가기

*orchestra excerpts : 3 lotteries.

-WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE BARS 176~226 -PETER AND THE WOLF (Excerpt 1. [2]- [4])<>-CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS 10.Voliere, complete -BOLERO Bar 1 to [1] -SYMPHONY NO.1 IN C MINOR Mvt.Ⅳ, [B] to [C] -CARMEN Entr'acte(Prelude to Act Ⅲ), bars 1-23 -FIREBIRD SUITE 1919 Version,[9] to 5 after [18] -LEONORE OVERTURE NO.3 (Excerpt 2. bar 328-360)-A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Scherzo, 12 before [P] to 23 after [Q] -DAPHNIS ET CHLOE 3before [176] to [180]

hosted by {flute&}

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