2010년 12월 14일 화요일

flute & Kokopelli

Actually, we had got really interested in Kokopelli through the flute music piece "Kokopelli" by Katherine Hoover. Besides, Elizabeth Buck(Professor of Arizona Univ.) performed this music last year with flutehouse in Korea. It was so great story. So, how can we re-inform this attractive legends to Korean flutists and students? 
"There are many symbols in this work. The basic idea was that we are a part of everyone and everything. I included a white man, a black man, a native American, fish to represent the animal world, and Kachina figures to represent God beliefs. The beautiful snake represents and is a disguise for the evil in the world and I included kokopelli flute players to keep it soothed and under control. Every color is present in varying degrees in every section of the painting as curved lines to show the interconnection of all that is. I find that people often present a well-dressed image but there is so much going on inside, influences from everyone we have met and every belief we have."  -MtnWoman Silver-

MtnWoman Silver

{flute&} talked with MtnWoman Silver who is the artist related with Kokopelli. Then, who is Kokopelli? More detail stories of he are on the magazine {flute&} Vol.52.

Silver has been a professional artist for 25 years and currently resides in Oklahoma City. Her formal education includes a fine arts degree in studio arts and post-graduate study in graphic design. She has lived and painted in Louisiana, Colorado, Tennessee, Texas, and Oklahoma. In her current work, she uses acrylic paint, hand-painted and stamped papers, found objects, and fabric. Her paintings, mixed media works, and art quilts have won numerous awards and have been exhibited in regional and national juried shows. She is a member of the National Collage Association, Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition, Fiber- Artists of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Art Guild, and Oklahoma Watermedia Association.



2010년 12월 5일 일요일

Vol.52(2010.December/January) flutist Yoo-mee,Jung

Cover story.  Yoo-mee, Jung

{ vol.52(2010.December/January) }

Principal flutist of Euroasian Philharmonic Orchestra : Yoo-mee,Jung
"Faith, hope, love, and happiness of sharing"

cover story.
* her musical life started ...
* lots of musical talented !
* slump and overcoming ...
* who made her real musician ?
* "Faith, hope, love, and happiness of sharing" flutist Yoo-mee,Jung
more details : {flute&} vol.52 (Click: Contents outline preview)

커버스토리: 플루티스트 정유미

2007년 귀국하여 최근 수회의 독주회를 성공적으로 마친 것을 비롯해 오케스트라, 앙상블, 기획공연 등, 다양한 무대에서 활발한 활동으로 두각을 나타내는 플루티스트 정유미는 불과 2년여의 짧은 활동 기간이었지만 이제 우리 공연계에 익숙한 이름이 되었다.

어느 날 불쑥 나타나듯 등장하여 우리나라 음악계의 주요한 플루티스트의 한 사람으로 주목을 받고 있는 정유미, 그러나 그녀는 이미 어릴 적부터 그 재능과 음악성을 인정받은 준비되고 촉망 받는 재원이었다.

 flute& vol.52에 계속..(52호 내용 목차 보기)

2010년 12월 1일 수요일

magazine flute& vol.52 outline preview

coming soon !

2010 [6] December vol. 52 –11,01월– OUTLINE PREVIEW

10 편집자의 글
(editor's letter)
16 News

22 커버스토리 : 정유미
(cover story : Yoo-mee Jung)
28 인터뷰 : 이현경 / 정주연 / 김수연
(interview : Hyun-Kyung Lee/ Ju-Yeon Jung / Soo-Yun Kim)
36 나의 스승 : 이윤영
(my respect : Yoon-Young Lee)
40 콘서트프리뷰 : 아시아플루트연맹 제3회 콩그레스
(concert preview : Asia Flutist Federation Congress)
42 Voice of the Flute : 앤 맥쿠첸 / 김미숙
(Ann McCutchan, Mee-Sook Kim)
48 줌인스테이지 : FEA플루트교육자협회 협주곡의밤
(zoom in stage : FEA Flute Educators Association Concert)
50 칼럼 : 이혜경
(column : Hye-Kyung Lee)

52 편집자가만난사람 : 여자경
(communication : Ja-Kyung Year)
54 인터뷰 : 케이스케 와카오
(interview : Keisuke Wakao)
56 미술과 이야기 : Kokopelli and Everyman
(art window : Kokopelli and Everyman : MtnWoman Silver)

60 참가기 : 뮌헨ARD 국제음악콩쿠르 / 김수연
(on the spot : Munich ‘ARD’ International Music Competition / Soo-Yun Kim)
62 해외아티클 : 알렉산더 머레이 / 이지연
(overseas article : Franklin Pierce Jones / Ji Yeon Lee)
64 심플플루트 : 미쉘드보스트 / 문록선
(simple flute : Michel Debost / Rok-Sun Moon)
66 On Playing the Flute : 크반츠 / 강인봉
(on playing the flute : Quantz / In-Bong Kang)70 재즈 플루트 : 권병호
(jazz flute : Byung-Ho Kwon)
72 플루트 기초 레슨 : 최광순
(basic lessons : Kwang-Soon Choi)
74 에튀드레슨 : Anton Berhard Furstenau 6 김성연
(etude lessons : Sung-Yeon Kim)
76 지상레슨 : W.A.Mozart Concerto in G Major 1 mov. 최은정
P.Gaubert Fantaisie 박은규
(professional lessons : Eun-Jung Choi / Eun-Kyu Park)

85 역대 지상레슨
(professional lessons : flute& / flute&flutist)
86 콘서트 캘린더
(concert calander)
88 입시가이드
(entrance examination)
91 Sheet Music : 오경열 / 장은도
(sheet music : Kyung-Yeol Oh / Eun-Do Jang)
103 음반 및 악보
111 플루트를 위한 소품
114 음악인들의 즐겨찾기
(musician's favorite)
116 정기구독 안내
